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Welcome to DreamMaps

DreamMaps is a non-profit organization that teaches members how to Dream Big, Set Goals and Take Action through its dream board workshop, time management and goalsetting classes. Members may also qualify to earn money through our FUNDecks Fundraiser, our Concessions program, and our Earn as You Learn MoneyMaps program. Sign up to join DreamMaps by clicking the icon here: .

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Dream Big, Set Goals and Take Action to Balance your Life!

Dear Members,

Hello and welcome to the DreamMaps.Club Successful By Choice Program!

I would like to congratulate you for taking the first step and a new direction for your life! It is my sincerest hope that you will start by dreaming big, setting goals and taking action from this moment forward to live a well balance life and enjoy the journey of your success.

If you are coachable optimistic, goal oriented and have a passion to succeed with discipline and determination to become a champion then we have the vehicle for you!

If you believe in the magic power of setting goals with positive intentions and daily affirmations then you already know the car is yours, and/or that college is in your future, so if that is the case congrats and yes…

“It’s safe to dream here.”

To Your success,
President and Founder
The DreamMaps.Club

Dan Williquette

boy and car
girl and car